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  • useLocales provides yor own localization.
  • You can make your application multi-language easily.
const { locale, setActiveLanguage } = useLocale();

Getting Started

  • You need to import createLocale.
  • You need to pass your localization JSON to createLocale function.
  • It returns useLocale and LocalesProvider
  • You need to wrap your entry component with LocalesProvider.
  • If activeLanguage is null then useLocale will use navigator.language
  • If it is not a browser like next.js then defaultLanguage will be used.

From Collection

import { createLocale } from "@reactivers/hooks";

From Package

import { createLocale } from "@reactivers/use-locale";



declare type Languages = ('af' | 'sq' | 'an' | 'ar' | 'ar-dz' | 'ar-bh' | 'ar-eg' | 'ar-iq' | 'ar-jo' | 'ar-kw' | 'ar-lb' | 'ar-ly' | 'ar-ma' | 'ar-om' | 'ar-qa' | 'ar-sa' | 'ar-sy' | 'ar-tn' | 'ar-ae' | 'ar-ye' | 'hy' | 'as' | 'ast' | 'az' | 'eu' | 'bg' | 'be' | 'bn' | 'bs' | 'br' | 'my' | 'ca' | 'ch' | 'ce' | 'zh' | 'zh-hk' | 'zh-cn' | 'zh-sg' | 'zh-tw' | 'cv' | 'co' | 'cr' | 'hr' | 'cs' | 'da' | 'nl' | 'nl-be' | 'en' | 'en-au' | 'en-bz' | 'en-ca' | 'en-ie' | 'en-jm' | 'en-nz' | 'en-ph' | 'en-za' | 'en-tt' | 'en-gb' | 'en-us' | 'en-zw' | 'eo' | 'et' | 'fo' | 'fa' | 'fj' | 'fi' | 'fr' | 'fr-be' | 'fr-ca' | 'fr-fr' | 'fr-lu' | 'fr-mc' | 'fr-ch' | 'fy' | 'fur' | 'gd' | 'gd-ie' | 'gl' | 'ka' | 'de' | 'de-at' | 'de-de' | 'de-li' | 'de-lu' | 'de-ch' | 'el' | 'gu' | 'ht' | 'he' | 'hi' | 'hu' | 'is' | 'id' | 'iu' | 'ga' | 'it' | 'it-ch' | 'ja' | 'kn' | 'ks' | 'kk' | 'km' | 'ky' | 'tlh' | 'ko' | 'ko-kp' | 'ko-kr' | 'la' | 'lv' | 'lt' | 'lb' | 'mk' | 'ms' | 'ml' | 'mt' | 'mi' | 'mr' | 'mo' | 'nv' | 'ng' | 'ne' | 'no' | 'nb' | 'nn' | 'oc' | 'or' | 'om' | 'fa-ir' | 'pl' | 'pt' | 'pt-br' | 'pa' | 'pa-in' | 'pa-pk' | 'qu' | 'rm' | 'ro' | 'ro-mo' | 'ru' | 'ru-mo' | 'sz' | 'sg' | 'sa' | 'sc' | 'sd' | 'si' | 'sr' | 'sk' | 'sl' | 'so' | 'sb' | 'es' | 'es-ar' | 'es-bo' | 'es-cl' | 'es-co' | 'es-cr' | 'es-do' | 'es-ec' | 'es-sv' | 'es-gt' | 'es-hn' | 'es-mx' | 'es-ni' | 'es-pa' | 'es-py' | 'es-pe' | 'es-pr' | 'es-es' | 'es-uy' | 'es-ve' | 'sx' | 'sw' | 'sv' | 'sv-fi' | 'sv-sv' | 'ta' | 'tt' | 'te' | 'th' | 'tig' | 'ts' | 'tn' | 'tr' | 'tk' | 'uk' | 'hsb' | 'ur' | 've' | 'vi' | 'vo' | 'wa' | 'cy' | 'xh' | 'ji' | 'zu')

export interface LocalesProviderProps<T> {
    locales?: {
        [language in Languages]?: T
    activeLanguage?: Languages
    defaultLanguage?: Languages;// Default = en-us


interface LocalesContextProps<T> {
    //Returns active language's local.
    locale: T;

    //Updates active languages in context
    setActiveLanguage: (lang: Languages) => void;


Example Preview - CodeSandbox